The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) are one of the rarest in the Ursidae family, as well one of the most peaceful mammals. They are found in the mountains and bamboo forests in western china; there are as well about 1,864 in the wild.. Their diet subsists mostly of bamboo; they have to eat from 26 to 84 pounds of it every day, a very hard task. Which they use their wrist bones that function like opposable thumbs, to complete this task. Baby Pandas are born about the size of a stick of butter; as they can grow to be 220-330 pounds as an adult later on. They also can get to more than four feet tall. …show more content…
Adult males can weigh up 1,430 pounds, and can be up to nine feet in length. Thier diet consists of ringed and bearded seals from april to mid-july. Polar Bears have a unique type of skin and hair. Their hair in fact is no white but clear/transparent. It is transparent so that it refracts light which make it look white. As their hair is transparent their skin is actually black. The refracted light is drawn to the black skin and warms the Polar Bear. They as well have a thick layer of fat (4.5 inches thick) beneath the skin which helps keep them warm. Polar Bears most of the time have twins. They have twins because one of them usually die’s so in that way at least one will survive to reproduce in the