The title is “Playing after Kennedy assassination tough chore for players in 1963” By Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA), September 12, 200. The text is about the decision of postponing games after crises and tough events. The text starts the game between Philadelphia Eagles and the Washington Redskins, which took place just two days after president Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
The Eagles team president refused to be in his seat for this game as he refused the decision made by NFL commissioner Pete Rozelleto to play the game.
The author then talks about how Pete regretted his decision and called the worst decision he ever made.
The article came just after the events of 9-11 and raised the debate of whether to resume national games and make the same decision of Mr. Pete or to learn from it and postpone all games in respect to this tragedy events. …show more content…
2. What is the author’s view? How do I know?
The author tried to compare past events and the current events. From the article points the author emphasized Mr. Pete regret that decision and then linked directly to the current events. That lead me to think of his point of view as he supports the games postponing as an answer to his question “Should this week's games be played or not? Would they be therapy for a grieving nation or a shameful distraction?” Fitzpatrick, F (2001)
3. What is the evidence presented by the author to support ideas?
In the similar event, Mr. Pete described his decision later as the worst he had ever made. Also, he said, "But I made the decision, and in retrospect, I wish I