Nadia Zakir (MD), Tarang Goyal, MD,
Dr Zakir is from Muzaffarnagar medical college, Muzaffarnagar. Dr Goyal is from Muzaffarnagar medical college, Muzaffarnagar.
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology, Muzaffarnagar Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarnagar (U.P), India
The authors report no conflict of interest
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of autologous PRP in the patients of acne scar and its comparison with pre treatment condition on a total of 20 patients. The PRP was prepared in minor OT of Muzaffarnagar medical college and hospital, Muzaffarnagar. The effect of PRP was evaluated by using Goodman's and Baron's qualitative acne scar grading system and compared before & after treatment condition (at 0 & 15 weeks). INTRODUCTION: A two-decade long research has expedited knowledge about tissue repair mechanisms, and the field of Regenerative Medicine is gaining ground stimulated by novel insights and the development of therapeutic biotechnologies, intending to restore tissue architecture and functionality. …show more content…
Regenerative Medicine technologies concern not only traumatic tissue injuries but also involve the biological manipulation of pathological conditions aiming to drive tissue circumstances to normal, i.e. the recovery of tissue homeostasis. Biological interventions in Regenerative Medicine fall into four main categories including gene therapy, tissue engineering, cell-based therapies, and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapies, with different success in clinical translation. In this study we are focussing on PRP therapy in acne scar. (1) Platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) has been used over the last several years as an effective treatment in various surgical and medical fields. The pivotal discovery of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in promoting wound healing, angiogenesis and tissue remodeling threw light on this novel autologous therapeutic modality. Autologous platelet-rich plasma has attracted attention in various medical fields recently including orthopaedic, plastic, and dental surgeries and dermatology for its various activities, especially in skin rejuvenation, acne scar, alopecia and non healing ulcer. Dermal stimulation and augmentation represent the main treatments in aesthetic medicine and their use continue to increase. (2) PRP is an effective concentration of multiple fundamental growth factors (GFs) by virtue of platelets alone (stored as -granules in platelets) and plasma proteins, namely fibrin, fibronectin and vitronectin, that can be produced from whole blood through multiple commercially available systems, resulting in varying levels of platelet concentration. This cocktail of GFs is pivotal in modulation of tissue repair and regeneration, whereas the plasma proteins act as a scaffold for the connective tissue and epithelial migration. (3) The substantial concentration of platelets, compared to normal blood, represents a unique source of growth factors. After its injection into the targeted tissue, such as the dermis and the subcutaneous layers, the platelets are activated endogenously by the coagulation factors normally present in these tissues. This activation leads to a significant degradation of the platelets, which promotes the release of a series of growth factors such as: PGDF, ILGF, EGF, and TGFβ. The activated platelets also release numerous proteins, binding to their specific cellular receptors, the glycoproteins and the growth factors activate the intracellular processes that may stimulate cell proliferation, migration, survival, as well as the production of extra-cellular matrix proteins. All these processes contribute to tissue rejuvenation.(4) Platelet-rich-plasma could act synergistically with growth factors induced by skin needling in order to enhance response. The combination of treatments, carried out by using both skin needling and PRP application enhances its efficacy. So the present study has been planned to assess the effect of autologous PRP in the management of alopecia, acne scar and non healingulcer. In spite of all previous studies regarding use of PRP in different disorders of dermatology, the precise mechanism by which PRP shows its favorable effect has not been properly studied. No studies have attempted to define the specific effects of PRP on skin disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of PRP by using appropriate technique and protocol for real outcome and its comparison with pretreatment conditions. METHOD: A total number of 20 patients of acne scar of both gender ranging …show more content…
Table-1: Goodman's and Baron's qualitative acne scar grading