Manipulation In Pop Culture

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Throughout history and up until our modern day, class conflict, violence, and the desire to dominate have always existed amongst human beings. The “fetish” of one group or sets of people depicting how “constructive structuralism” should look like and operate has contributed to the disparities within our society because of the ways in which we communicate with the general population. Many of the discontents and conflicts that exists in our world between different global hegemonies and globalization result from sudden political and/or economic changes which eventually influence social norms and culture values. Since these factors tend to be implemented by a group of people through the means of policies and division of labor, generational inheritances …show more content…
There is a hierarchy of manipulation for those who hold the most power, but they are also unknowingly manipulated while also producing the most manipulation. The media for example is a tool of manipulation which happens as if the subjects were somehow hypnotized into action. Social structures and cultural systems exercise their causal powers by structuring the situation of action through constraints and enablement. The media has created the picture perfect society that could exist if things were their …show more content…
Harbermas, instead, mostly focused on the public sphere, in terms of communication, for instance, the manner in which communication is manipulated and structured in the media sometimes leaves the general public unable to relate to it. Habermas stated, “where difficulties of comprehension are the result of cultural, temporal, or social distance, we can say in principle what further information we would need in order to achieve understanding…but the more important occurrence of the pattern of systematically distorted communication are those which appear in speech.” (On Systematically Distorted Communication, 408). The media, as Bourdieu previously mentioned, are “people involved (that) are manipulated as much as they manipulate.” The way in which information is conveyed to the general public via mass media is not always as ethical or genuine as it should be, however it is for the purposes of economic and bureaucratic strategies, so the communications become “hermeneutic” and

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