When you participate in a physician-assisted weight loss program, all of your meals are planned for you. A nutritional counselor and dietitian along with the physician will evaluate your eating habits and create a balanced diet that is suitable for your current weight, height and weight loss goals. It is not easy to plan meals for yourself and stick to the diet. Many people find that …show more content…
• You will learn healthy eating habits that fit with your lifestyle to help keep the weight off for the rest of your life.
• Your calorie intake may be designed for you height and current weight as well as your exercise regimen.
• Your medical history will be taken into consideration as well as any current health problems.
• Your weight-loss progress will be monitored and your plan adjusted as you progress.
• You will have the option to work with psychologists and counselors to address any deeper, psychological issues that may be a factor in the eating habits that caused you to be overweight.
• You may have a support group that helps you keep motivated.
• You may have access to the latest weight-loss technology that you would not be able to use on your own. This may help select the number of daily calories you need.
During a consultation with our weight-loss expert, we will look into your medical history and make sure your overweight problem is not caused by hypertension, hyperlipedmia or diabetes. Our specialist may use blood tests and other means to determine the current state of your health. Through this personalized approach, a plan may be created that will help you lose weight in such a way that actually may improve your