Due to a series of unfortunate events, Phillis was sold into slavery at the age of eight by the British and brought to Boston, Massachusetts in the year 1761 on a slave ship called The Phillis, hence her given name. Likewise, her last name, Wheatley, was a common custom if any surname was used for slaves. She was purchased as a servant to the master’s wife, Susanna who early on began to notice that she was not like the rest of the slaves. Phillis was extremely talented in being able to turn oral speech into letters and numbers. Due to her unfamiliar abilities, the family began to teach the young Phillis how to read and write, each taking turns day and night, giving her an unprecedented education for an enslaved person, especially as a female. By the age of 12, Phillis was reading and reciting Greek and Latins classics, along with difficult excerpts from the Holy Bible. In effect, Phillis realized that she was more intelligent than ever and decided to take her knowledge to the next step, …show more content…
Owned by the Lloyds, Jupiter’s family was well known by the plantation being that they were the master’s first shipment into the U.S. For years, it was believed that Jupiter taught himself how to read and write, but recently it was leaked that his father, Obadiah, knew how to read, hence, initiating a correlation. Disobeying his master, Jupiter began to express his “talent” by writing poetry. His first published poem “An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ, With Penitential Cries”, screams his identity of religion, specifically Christianity. For