We are called to be imitators of Christ. Christ poured out on other people and was anything but selfcentered. We should look out for other people. Jesus Christ belonged on the throne but yet went to the cross instead. He became a servant to the very ones who later betrayed Him even though He knew the future and the immense pain that He would have to face to save us for our sins. Paul desired for every person to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. Paul continued on to tell people to do everything with a good attitude as children of God. Paul then brought up Timothy and Epaphroditus and his hopes for them and how he hopes they will be treated. Chapter three speaks of how unreliable our flesh is and how it is unwise to put confidence in it. Paul then goes on to talk about how nothing will ever compare to what Jesus Christ has to offer. He even talks about how he admires Christ to the point of wanting to be like him to the death. Paul speaks of a goal he has of "winning the prize" for which God has set ahead of him. He goes on to talk about the heartbreaking fact that many people go on with their lives living away from God. They set their minds on things of this earth and not heavenly things. Paul reminds us that our citizenship is in …show more content…
Can learn a lot from Philippians as it is God breathed and filled with wisdom from Paul's crazy experiences. Paul's life did a complete 180 after he allowed the Lord to invade it. He showed us as believers how there is hope for everyone and that none of us could ever be too far to be redeemed by the love of Christ. Paul also set an example of aggressive perseverance and faith in God that we can follow. The book of Philippians *encourages** growth in the church and the importance of Christian fellowship. Each and us should strive to love those who are around us and never stop praying together. Paul, with his high background sets a strong example of humility and having a heart to serve. The book also speaks of Christ's ridiculous unexplainable love and how we as undeserving sinners saved by grace should strive (with immense help from God) to love in that way. Philippians really encourages me in times of grief and things are falling apart that my ultimate home is in heaven. God redeemed Saul from the treacherous life he was living and made him Paul a man who gave it all in order to live to serve Him and do His kingdom's