When it comes to windshield damage, some cases will be very clear that you need a replacement. If you’ve been in a serious accident and the windshield is in ruins, you’ll need a new one from FB Glass. But what if the damage is smaller — how do you know? When making a determination between windshield repair and replacement, the experts tend to consider several variables: location, size, and type. Location is crucial because there is nothing more important than a driver’s line of sight. Even if the damage near the driver’s line of sight appears small, many repair technicians will recommend replacement in this case because even the best repair work slightly reduces visibility. …show more content…
Every case is unique, but generally chips are fixable around one inch, while cracks longer than a few inches will likely require a replacement. Finally, FB Glass will consider the nature of the crack itself, since certain breakage patterns are tougher to repair. After weighing all these criteria, the team will reach their decision of what’s best, striving for a repair if one is possible.
The next time your windshield gets nicked up, take your car in to FB Glass as soon as possible so the damage doesn’t spread. To reach these windshield repair specialists, just call (585) 441-1209. You can read testimonials to the staff’s outstanding service on the company’s