On average, it takes 4.6 seconds of the driver’s focus to send or read a text (Magid). This is 4.6 seconds that a driver’s attention is not on the road. If you are traveling 55 mph, you could travel the length of a football field in that small amount of time. Also in that small amount of time, you could cause a serious and fatal accident. As a driver, you should strive to set an example for other drivers and future drivers as well. Many drivers who send or read texts while driving admit to learning the unhealthy habit from observing other drivers (“Texting and Driving Statistics“). Seventy-five percent of teenagers watch their friends text and drive (“Texting While Driving - The Depressing Facts“). Seventy-seven percent say they view their parents doing it. They believe that it is acceptable and harmless because they have never seen any default with the problem. Placing a call on a cell phone while driving is also dangerous (Hendrick). However, texting possess a larger threat to the safety of others. Although there is no national law that bans texting while driving, some states have implemented one (“The Dangers of Texting While
On average, it takes 4.6 seconds of the driver’s focus to send or read a text (Magid). This is 4.6 seconds that a driver’s attention is not on the road. If you are traveling 55 mph, you could travel the length of a football field in that small amount of time. Also in that small amount of time, you could cause a serious and fatal accident. As a driver, you should strive to set an example for other drivers and future drivers as well. Many drivers who send or read texts while driving admit to learning the unhealthy habit from observing other drivers (“Texting and Driving Statistics“). Seventy-five percent of teenagers watch their friends text and drive (“Texting While Driving - The Depressing Facts“). Seventy-seven percent say they view their parents doing it. They believe that it is acceptable and harmless because they have never seen any default with the problem. Placing a call on a cell phone while driving is also dangerous (Hendrick). However, texting possess a larger threat to the safety of others. Although there is no national law that bans texting while driving, some states have implemented one (“The Dangers of Texting While