Stem cell research is preformed in many different ways. There are different procedures that doctors and scientists use to extract them. Stem cells are very different than any other normal specialized cell. A stem cell is a cell that …show more content…
Six out of ten Americans are pro stem cell research. American citizens have voted to spend thirteen billion of tax payer’s money on stem cell research. During Bush’s presidency when stem cells potential were first making an appearance, government funding stayed very limited. U.S. law currently bans federal funding of any research that harms human embryos. A White House spokeswoman said the method 's eligibility for funding could not yet be determined, "but it is encouraging to see scientists at least making serious efforts to move away from research that involves the destruction of embryos." (Crenson). At the time, there were sixty existing extracted stem cells. President Bush made it clear that those sixty cells were the only cells being governmentally funded. Those sixty cells are still being researched in labs in many different countries, those countries include India, Sweden, Australia, Israel, and some are still in the United States of America (U.S.A). The President said that he would allow federal funding--but only on approximately 60 stem cell lines that have already been cultivated (grown). But, he added, federal funding cannot be used to grow stem cell lines from an additional 100,000 to 200,000 frozen embryos now stored in U.S. labs (McCabe). A registry of stem cell lines, which came from frozen embryos that would otherwise be discarded by fertility clinics, was set up at the …show more content…
There is a new class of stem cells called the “F” class. The “F” class can reproduce and replicate very quickly. It is said that the new class inst as “sticky’ as the other stem cells. The adhesion is much less than normal embryonic and adult stem cells. The new class is called “F” class because they appear to be furry says Morin (1). “F” class cells are genetically modified, (G.M) and engineered blank stem cells originating from mice cells. The “F” class cells do not occur outside of