Persuasive Essay On Heroes Vs Survivors

Improved Essays
The episode prior to Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' finale is great, if only because it features two former winners no longer giving a single care.

Between Parvati Shallow and Sandra Diaz-Twine, the final six episode of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains has a lot of laughing amongst the two of them, and plenty of laughing directed towards one of the other players, because they were about done with him. Let's get into it.

Heroes vs. Villains aired in 2010, and it shows not in the quality of the filming (which is in HD, and it still looks quite good), but in the treemail, which involved a Sprint Palm Pre, which had "applications," per Parvati.

The players got this piece of, ahem, highly advanced technology to get a sneak peek at their loved ones, who played with them in the paired "fill a bucket with water" challenge. Jerri won
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To make a joke, there was something to worry about: Russell getting to talk to the remaining Heroes, selling them an alliance, and suspecting that Parvati would win if she made it to the end. Pointedly, he did not really talk about Sandra at all as a threat.

Parvati won immunity by using the back of her hands to keep poles balanced against a bar up top, throwing a wrench, yet again, in the general plans of pretty much everyone not named Parvati, Jerri, or Sandra.

So, metaphorically about two minutes after Russell made a lot of promises to Colby and Rupert, Russell effectively said he had to go play with the other Villains again. Of course, Sandra still talked to Rupert about getting Russell out, but he tattled, and Sandra then had a chance to set up and knock Russell down.

As cool as you please, she simply said "I'm against you, Russell." He made his usual insinuations, and Parvati and Sandra both laughed at him, which made him want to take Sandra

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