Persuasive Essay On Guns

Superior Essays
July 14th, 2009 the Mayfield family were on their way to Seattle. After countless hours of driving they decided to get some gas and snacks. Ogbonnia, the dad, was filling up as the wife and kids grabbed snacks. On the way to the counter a man burst in and held the cashier at gunpoint. An elderly man comes from the back and aims a gun toward the suspect, immediately the suspect runs off with no money at all. This should show why guns still need to be in the hands of American civilians. The government should not have the right to ban guns because people need guns for self defense, criminals are still going to have guns, and guns do not kill people, people do. Criminals will be criminals. Why would a criminal decide to listen …show more content…
In the United Kingdom they banned purchase of, or ownership of all handguns in 1997. In 1996 a year before the ban the initial homicide was 1.12 per 100,000 after the law came into effect it was 2.14 per 100,000. That shows that a criminal will not listen to the law. “But in 2005 there were 765 intentional murders in the United Kingdom and most of those committed with knives. Blunt objects follow, then strangulation, fire, and then poison. Banning guns halted rampage shooters but does not address the issue of people killing each other” (arguments). Also, think about September 11, 2001 when 2,996 people were killed, and more the than 6,000 wounded. No type of firearm was used and it is still known as as the greatest catastrophe in America. April 19, 1995, a truck bomb was planted at Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City. One hundred, sixty eight people were killed and 680 more were wounded, again no type of firearm was used. April 15, 2013 two man-made bombs were used, resulting in 3 deaths and hundreds of people wounded at a Boston marathon. July 11, 2010 Kampala Uganda, two suicide bombers killed 74 people and wounded 71. Again in both of these cases no type of firearm was used. November 18, 1978 Jim Jones gave a kool-aid laced with cyanide which left

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