The program has assisted millions of women in America through a variety of programs. Defunding Planned Parenthood would be devastating because America would lose a safe way to access abortions, testing for women’s health, and a safe haven for minorities. Abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy ( While abortions only makes up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services, they are crucial to the quality of life for so many women (PP Numbers). Women may choose to undergo surgical abortions for numerous reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to rape, incest, health problems, age, or financial reasons (Johnston Archive). Every abortion is personal and may be had for a unique reason. Regardless of the explanation, abortion is a private choice and one that takes a lot of time and consideration to make. As a general rule, women don’t strive to get pregnant simply to have an abortion. It is an extremely difficult process to go through both physically and emotionally. Not to mention that if a women feels an abortion is necessary, she is likely already going through emotional hardship as it is. wrote that 65% of women who undergo
The program has assisted millions of women in America through a variety of programs. Defunding Planned Parenthood would be devastating because America would lose a safe way to access abortions, testing for women’s health, and a safe haven for minorities. Abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy ( While abortions only makes up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services, they are crucial to the quality of life for so many women (PP Numbers). Women may choose to undergo surgical abortions for numerous reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to rape, incest, health problems, age, or financial reasons (Johnston Archive). Every abortion is personal and may be had for a unique reason. Regardless of the explanation, abortion is a private choice and one that takes a lot of time and consideration to make. As a general rule, women don’t strive to get pregnant simply to have an abortion. It is an extremely difficult process to go through both physically and emotionally. Not to mention that if a women feels an abortion is necessary, she is likely already going through emotional hardship as it is. wrote that 65% of women who undergo