Persuasive Essay On Child Support Payments

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Rumors have spread like wild fire this past week about President Donald Trump teaming up with congress to end all child support payments as of 2018. It has been said that President Donald Trump has arranged a meeting with congress to pass a law that will end all child support payments. Come January 2018 the child support bill will be abolished for all participants. According to the Child Support Law once a married couple has separated or divorced, or when only one of the parents who are unmarried has custody of the child, the court may order the “non-custodial” parent to pay the child support of a certain amount. Statistics show that is it rare for the mother to pay child support to the father. Child support is meant to be used to pay for …show more content…
The children are losing out on what is most important to them and the mothers are taking the fathers for what they can get. People are having more and more children to see if there will be an increase in the payments they receive each month for their children. There has been reports showing that children are being neglected even though they are receiving some sort of income monthly or even weekly. There are roughly 13.4 million custodial single parents living in the United States. There is about 48 percent of legal or informal child support agreements in place as of this moment. About 90 percent of these agreements were made through a court system as a formal agreement. On average custodial single parent will receive around 329 dollars per month to help with food, rent, shelter, clothing, medical costs, and education. Women are awarded child support at a whopping 52 percent which is almost 20 percent more than fathers are awarded. President Donald Trump is not satisfied with these numbers. He believes men are being treated unfairly by the justice

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