Personalized Medicine Essay

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As this year common reader at Barry University, we are learning information about DNA and how it personalized medicine. We are now in the genome era. It’s a major part of health and human being. In the mini conference, the keynote speaker Dr. Carla Easter is included in Community Involvement Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute and informs us about the Genome Project, how it apply to our health and how it evolved around society. My generation was the one that grew up with the Genome Project. During the process of the Genome Project, scientists took a look at a human’s cell then at the chromosome individually. After the chromosomes were separated, they cut down to the basic A, T, C and G that are in DNA. The project didn’t cost as much as what scientists proclaimed. Another thing was that it didn’t take as long as they thought it would. If you search up what a genome looks like. It’s a “tight systematic ball.” The …show more content…
As humans, we have 20,000 genes. This genes turn into protein and they do functions in a human body. According to Dr. Collins in “The Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalized Medicine,” he describes the illness/diseases that some patients are facing. Some are so rare that no one have ever heard of or physicians that seen something in a different ways in their chromosomes. That why they have established the Undiagnosed Disease Program. Without the sequence or technology, it would be arduous to complete the Genome Project. And without the project some of these patient wouldn’t be able to know why this disease has occur. Dr. Easter explained that they don’t find them a cure. Some may die before anything could happen but the patients feel it important to know what it is. Their program explains why it’s happening and they do that by looking at their genes. The Genome Wide Association helps us understand the common disorder that we have or might have in the

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