Coworkers see me as charismatic, trustworthy, and proactive, with an open and animated communication style (Robbins & Judge, 2008). I often use self promotion and ingratiation to manipulate other’s perceptions of me. As a leader, I am not power oriented, but use legitimate grounds, expertise, and referent power to influence my surroundings and coworkers (Robbins & Judge, 2008). My leadership style is more task oriented that people oriented. As, a result I need to work on listening skills, trusting others, and business politics (Robbins & Judge, 2008). Other areas that need improvement are my ability to discipline, handle conflict, and negotiate (Robbins & Judge, …show more content…
For example, in my current position I supervise the radiation therapy students from Virginia Commonwealth University. This requires that I attend several meetings per year to discuss upcoming students and clinical changes. I discuss how to delegate work and how to discipline students with other supervisors. The meetings give me a chance to improve on networking, interpersonal relationships, listening, and behaviors in social situations. This lateral communication helps to develop ideas and define expectations (Fischer, n.d.). Katz (1986) said, “the skill conception of administration suggests that we may hope to improve our administrative effectiveness and to develop better administrators for the future. It implies learning by doing.” This principle stresses the need for individuals, including myself, to go to meetings and participate in face to face communication to aid in big picture thinking (Fischer,