Towson University Undergraduate Admissions
Who Am I and Why Do I Want To Transfer to Towson University?
Attempting to explain who you are is one of the most difficult things a person can do. Although you live with yourself everyday it is easy to get caught up with day to day processes and never truly analyze who you are. When I think about who I am, I try to ignore my day to day self and think about the parts of me that are constant all the time. The part of my life that I feel accounts of most of who I am is that I was born in a Ghana. Ghana is small country off the west coast of Africa and is known to be a top exporter of gold and cocoa beans. Although Ghana successful in export it is, like most countries in Africa, overall poor. My life in Ghana was hard, I stayed with my mother and elder sister and we …show more content…
I was young when I left Africa in the year 2000, so my memory of my conditions is sparse. It wasn’t until I went back to Ghana two years ago that I release the the how extreme my conditions were. A lot has change government and technology wise in Ghana but poverty is still a large issue. Most people do not have homes, there are actual starving people that panhandle on the streets, and clean water is expensive so most people drink water from questionable companies. Electricity is not always available because there is not enough overall power for every area to have electricity all the time. Once I actually saw what my conditions and life could have been, I felt a new appreciation for the life I have now. I am grateful for everything I have because I know that there was one time that I had nothing. Being from a developing country makes me hardworking, grateful, and understanding of other people's struggles, being as I’ve been through my own. I also have my own culture and lifestyle that I have fused with North American culture,