During waking the frontal cortex is reigning in the limbic system. During dreams, the frontal cortex metabolic rate decreases drastically, and the limbic system goes wild. Rational regulation of your emotional brain goes offline. We have wild escapades, violence, fighting, running. My wife says that I run in my sleep. I also get into fights and one time I actually hit her. That woke her and me up.
So dreams are dreamlike because the prefrontal cortex is offline during REM sleep, allowing the limbic system to run wild. We are trying to understand why this happens during REM sleep.
What about the content of dreams? Some may be a recapitulation of the day’s events and can even give solutions or insight into problems that have vexed us. Some people even wake up and write down a creative thought or answer to a problem. Sometimes they are disguised messages and insights. There is a whole science or pseudo-science of interpreting dreams.
Why do some people dream more than others, or have more vivid dreams, or remember them more? What is the significance of different dream content?
Why does the prefrontal cortex turn off and the limbic system run