“Of course you don't die. Nobody dies. Death doesn't exist. You only reach a new level of vision, a new realm of consciousness, a new unknown world.” Henry Miller and I share the same stance on afterlife. Having grown up in a strict Catholic home and attending Catholic school, I was ingrained to believe in Heaven and fear Hell. As I’ve grown, my views haven’t changed. I believe in an afterlife determined by our earth bound life.
I am not afraid of dying. Therefore, I am able to think beyond this life and ponder the ambiguities that lie ahead. My Catholic faith has taught me to live a life that God would be proud of; one filled with genuine care for my neighbors. I firmly believe that if I can grace the world with more good than evil, then, upon my death, I will be greeted at the “Pearly Gates of Heaven” by the outstretched arms of God. I will travel hand in hand with him down the golden paths of Heaven where he will lead me to previously departed loved ones. However, I don’t believe that Heaven is like a new world, but a parallel one. I feel that in dying we become more awake. Moreover, the veil of drowsiness brought on by human sin is discarded and we are able to fully see all that God has created for us. Our eyes will be open to the vastness of Heaven mixed with the beauty of earth in a parallel plane. …show more content…
However, we are never told how much sin is too much. I believe that men like Jeffrey Dahmer and Hitler went to Hell, rightfully. But will I be sharing enflamed bunk beds with them because I don’t go to Church every Sunday? I was taught at a young age to fear Hell and nineteen years later I’m still paralyzingly terrified of it. Furthermore, I can remember being a young girl sitting in Religion class learning about the “fires of hell.” I remember imagining sinners, engulfed in flames, burning for eternity. I was immediately scared into good