First I thought it was just the flu, but this flu was nothing like I had ever experienced before. When I was at work one day, I decided I wanted to eat hot Cheetos so I did. Once I was done eating, my stomach started to feel funny and I felt like I was going to pass out. I quickly ran to the bathroom and all the hot Cheetos came right back up. For me to puke hot Cheetos there had to be something wrong, so I went and bought a pregnancy test. I took 3 tests and all of them said in big bold letters “Pregnant”. My heart sank and my eyes watered. From that moment I didn’t know what I was going to do. I told my boyfriend (baby’s father) and he was in complete shock. He looked me in my eyes and said we will get through this. My boyfriend, having said those words, gave me a little relief. When we finally told my parents it felt like a weight had been lifted …show more content…
When I walked in the class I felt judged and terrified. Nobody bothered to talk to me or acknowledge me. Everyone sat away from me and nobody bothered to see if I needed some help. I hated going to school, I always just wanted to miss the school day or just leave early. But I decided that I'm not going to let it bother me. I go to school and get the work that I need to do done. I'm going to graduate no matter what and no one can get in my way of graduating. I'm going to show my son that no matter what obstacle comes your way you can always overcome it and accomplish your