My agency focuses on helping people of low income and also the homeless population in San Mateo County. Low-income individuals and families find it extremely hard to find affordable housing, especially in San Mateo County. San Mateo County has become a very expensive county to live in and it is only getting more expensive each year. Because of the rising prices of housing in this county many people are unable to afford housing. The housing situation in San Mateo County has pushed families to move out of the county. One-bedroom apartments are very expensive and most people do not have jobs that pay well enough in order to afford living by themselves. On top of people having to use most of their checks for their rent. People find it difficult to have money left over for food, clothing, and other necessities. Working parents struggle with two jobs in order to make ends meet and to keep a roof over their families head, food on the table, and clothes on their back. Families are usually unable to afford their housing expenses and are forced to move out the home; having to go live in their cars, homes of family members, or at shelters. Although, we do not provide emergency housing, we are an agency that helps individuals find cheaper housing than most rooms for rent, one would find on Craigslist. Not only, do you have to have a lot of money to be able to rent your own apartment or home, you also have …show more content…
I asked them each the same five questions about what they thought about the gaps at our agency. I decided to ask the same questions, in order to get two different perspectives. I decided to interview the associate director, since she has been working there for over 20 years and knows everything there is to know about our agency. I also decided to interview the mid county social worker because she is very