Because I got away with it, I continued to tell white lies and would go out with my friends on multiple occasions without my parents’ knowledge or permission, but I have been caught several times. Most of time, it was because I had purchased an article of clothing or makeup product and they were strongly against me purchasing anything without their authorization. It resulted in endless lectures and exchanges of cold shoulders for several days. I still continue to sneak out now but even if they do find out, it is not as big of a deal. Perhaps it’s because now that I’m close to graduating high school, they trust that I’ll be more responsible.
I had this desire to be an independent person but I was also taught all my life to obey my parents. Yes, I did rebel against them but I don’t have any regrets. I understand why they didn’t trust me to go out on my own. I wasn’t even a teenager and I didn’t know Amy that long, considering I knew most of my other friends for six years. Despite all of these concerns, I felt like I was my own person for once. I felt like a caterpillar finally becoming a butterfly. Metamorphosis is like adolescence because both are the processes of becoming something (or someone)