We figured that my niece would have to see the error of her ways, get help, take classes, go to group therapy sessions, find a job and conquer her case plan. How long could that possibly take six months? The good news was that my sister who is the children’s Grandmother would be there to help us, getting the babies from daycare and coming home to help out while I juggled homework. We had it all planned out. My father, husband and I took turns taking my niece to her court dates and classes.…
“I still prayed to God that I would be free again, but the more I thought about it, the more Diane was right: You had to be free in your heart. Guilt, fear, anger- they were all their own kinds of prison. You could be out in the world and still be doing time. Part of my finding that…
“As they could not reach me, they have resolved to punish my body; just as boys, if they cannot come at some person against who they have a spite, will abuse his dog.” (pages 181-182) “For it matters not how small the beginning may seem to be: what is once well done is done forever.” The night that he spent in jail is no regret to him but yet an accomplishment that he was recognized…
Ashley Mayes is a lawyer ( Assistant District Attroney).She got her Bachelor's in Science Mgmt (BSM) in Business Mgmt and Legal Studies in Business from Tulane University in 2005. I received my Juris Doctorate (JD) and a Diploma in Comparative Law (DCL) from LSU Law in 2011. Also, she has a license in Tx, and works for the Harris County attroney office for 3 months. As she described her job description she said she was "what they call a number 3 prosecutor in Harris County Criminal Court at Law #7". I'm assigned misdemeanor cases.…
“Call 911!” I heard my aunt yell. Those days, July 31 through August 2, 2014, were interesting days. My laws of life were shown. They are faith, and patience.…
I headed into the courtroom of Judge Thomas Marcelain to observe my first courtroom trial. The trial involved a 31-year-old man named, Daniel Bohanna, of Pataskala. Mr. Bohanna decided to represent himself in his trial for fear of misrepresentation. He was charged with rape, kidnapping, and felonious assault. I have seen footage on T.V. from famous trials and of course seen reenactments from Hollywood, but I have never been to one in person until now.…
“‘I've gone about seeking you these three years, and if I could only set you free, I'd willingly lose my life.’ " This quote shows the…
Though I was not able to put all of my attention to school until junior year, I kicked it into high gear as soon as I could. Despite all my hard work, I was unable to find myself a place in the top 10%. This has hurt my appearance to colleges, but I hope that with these explanations of what I had to go through freshman and sophomore year, my position will be slightly more understandable. Engineering honors is the best thing for my future and everything I want to do with my life. Honors will help me grow as a student, so I can be a better employee and will help me grow as a person.…
I have nothing to lose. If I am caught, I shall only be a slave. If I am shot, I shall only lose a life which is a burden and a curse. If I get clear, (as something tells me I shall,) liberty, the inalienable birth-right of every man, precious and priceless, will be mine. My resolution is fixed.…
The first thing I noticed was the color. It was faded in one section. The different layers were now becoming visible. The pattern of the couch reminded me of it. I sat in the spot.…
My role in the mock trial was to be the Nurse which was one of the defense witnesses. I sat behind the defense attorneys and waited till my name was called to go up on the stand. Once I was up in the witness booth, I had to rase my right hand and say that I swear; to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help God, and I did. I was questioned the defense side and then the prosecution side. The defense took it easy on me, but the prosecution took it hard and they were determined to win the…
I was present in the office Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am- 4pm and Friday 8am-4pm with a one-hour lunch each day, totaling thirteen hours. Throughout the week, I continued to file and archive Lowndes County closed cases. Tuesday I was tasked with administrative duties because there was no court. Nonetheless, on Thursday, I had was able to attend the calendar call. During that time, the attorneys give the judge updates on the status of their cases.…
My trip to municipal court was a very interesting experience that taught me a lot about the judicial system. I went to the Township of Wyckoff municipal court, located within their town hall. When I arrived I first encountered a police officer with a metal detector who search all people for weapons. I then entered the courtroom where I sat in the back. It was rather empty I talke with one of the police officers and he explained how some things worked.…
The fight just ended in a TKO. I started the fight with a couple jabs from the left to fly up with a right handed uppercut. He didn’t see it coming, he got about 7 hits landed, I had 27 landed and about 30 swung. I hit him in the right temple and that’s what caught him stumbling. His 7 or so hits weren’t even hard either he just wanted to get me to back up…
My junior year of high school was in my mind full of injustices, some petty, some not at all. There were a few standouts, one regarding some of my best friends betraying me completely and lying to get themselves out of any trouble with the police. Another, being forced by my english teacher on the fourth day of school to rewrite an essay that was in my mind amazing just because she didn’t like my style. And then there was getting a yellow card in soccer for getting into a little skirmish with a kid who slide tackled me from behind. Perhaps dwelling or complaining about this injustice of getting a yellow card is petty and in the referee’s mind was completely justified but in my mind it was and is absurd.…