Through-out my collegiate
Through-out my collegiate
The membership chair of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated: Beta Pi Chapter is designed to manage chapter members and newly selected members of the sorority. The membership chair oversees all required procedures to become a member of the sorority. The membership chair serves as the liaison between the chapter and the candidates and keeps the lines of communication open. Also serves as a key member of the Rush Committee. The membership chair supervises the prospective candidates during the membership intake process.…
Henrietta Blondell Smith Malone was born July 15, 1940, in Norfolk, Virginia to the late Charles Henry and Margaret Smith. The loss of her biological mother at ten years of age to cancer jump-started a drive like none other. Reared during an era where education was ingrained to guarantee a better way of life, she graduated Magna Cum Laude from Booker T. Washington High School in the Illustrious Class of 1958. Continuing her quest for knowledge; she received full-ride scholarships to Hampton Institute as well as Purdue University along with the loving support of her father and step-mother, Nealie Johnson Smith. She pledged Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated with her best friend, Sullivan Robinson, who introduced her to her future husband.…
I’m also the oldest of the younger generation who first went away to go to a university. I have four youngest cousin who also attend a college/university. For me getting accepted to attend a university as Hampton University was a blessing to me. I am a role model to my youngest cousins, nephew and niece to show them you can do whatever you want to do to achieve your goals. I don’t have no family members who are a member of a sorority or…
Although you have to be 36 years old to legally become the president of the United States, I feel as if I’ve experienced an aspect of presidency in my fourteenth year of living. Of course, it is obvious that being president of my middle school’s National Junior Honor Society is nowhere near being the president of the United States. But in fact, my experience depicts a quite harrowing and concerning aspect of presidency. In an interwoven city and school, creating close relationships was inevitable.…
At an early age, I didn’t understand the concept of an immigrant family and that our resources were very limited. It wasn’t until I got older, that I finally understood and recognized the struggle that my family went and still continues to go through. My realization began when I was about 11-years old and I noticed that my father not only worked for his own small gardening service, but that he also took my older brothers to work with him. I knew it was a time for serious measures because my brothers started helping my father when they were close to my age, and they continued throughout their whole school years. Everything was going normal in my family then, we rented a house that was in the name of my aunt, had enough money for the bills,…
The National Honor Society is based on four pillars, which are, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. In some ways, I have already shown three of these pillars in my first two years of high school. However, there are several other ways in which I plan to lead my school, serve my community, and build my character, during my final years of high school. As I have mentioned, there are some ways that I have already shown leadership, service, and built my character during my first two years at Parkway South.…
There are so many students out there in low-income communities who do not know what it is like to have someone who wants to see them succeed, someone who wants to see them achieve regardless of their race or economic status. I seek to join Teach for America for many reasons and three of those reasons are; for one, I want to help make a difference in the lives of students, I want the students that I encounter to know that I care about their education, I want to see them succeed and I want them to know that I have very high expectation of them. Secondly, growing up in a low-income community myself, I can relate to these students. I want my students to know that just because they are currently living in an underserved community, it does not mean…
However, if you are a first generation college student, you tend to sacrifice more than others. All of this adds on to the fact that when the pressure of school is weighing on the students, it 's more likely for a student to talk to someone who has had experience versus a family member who in this case would be…
I woke up this morning feeling great. The sun was shining, my dorm was clean,my skin was clear… for once. I could tell today would be great. Being a freshman in college would seem like it would be the most stressful thing in the world, it is, but a positive butterfly like me, I try my best not to stress. Besides the psycho amount of work I have to do, being two states away from your parents is absolutely amazing.…
Leaders, strong, courageous, self-defining, outspoken, headstrong, dedicated, loving, humble, and proud, the words that I use to describe my three Delta cousins. However, it is possible to sum these characteristics into one simple, descriptive phrase; distinguished women. My interest in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is built on the basis of these three women. I don’t get to see or talk to them as much as I’d like, when I do, whether on social media or in person, I am always smitten by their distinguished attributes. These women have watched me grow to the woman that I am today, but I too have watched these women.…
Parents of FGCS may or may not support them in their time in college, but students don’t have the parental guidance that traditional students have (Orbe). Parents’ college experiences are what helps traditional students be more prepare for college. Unfortunately for FGCS, there is a guilt that is being carried “caused by a realization that family members did not have the same chance of attending college (i.e., that inequalities exist in society) and that family members were struggling at home while they experienced more privileges and pursued more opportunities in college” (Covarrubias & Fryberg). By having this guilt, FGCS struggle more to adjust to their new lives in college. Students feel that they have to live with two different cultures: their home culture and their academic culture (Jenkins).…
Life's a journey worth taking the unbeaten path. That is why, despite looking up to my loving parents and having the utmost respect for them, I have taken a different road than they did. However, undergoing any challenge without their guiding experience can certainly prove to be an undertaking. I, a first generation college student, am the pioneer of higher education for my family. Though I join many others in lunging out into the world for the first time, I am doing so without having a father or mother to tell me how to tackle the college experience.…
I am interested in membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., because of what Delta represents. To me Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. represents strong, educated black woman that are dedicated to improving their community. When I was a child I always said that I wanted to improve my community. As I grew up I saw how children from impoverished homes were not always exposed or given the opportunity to achieve a better life. That’s when I realized that we have to help our youth in order to see a change in our community.…
Gibbs model of reflection 1 Introduction College life turned out to be much different than what I expected and I was not ready for it even when I thought I definitely was. I was raised in a closely-knit family comprising of my father, mother and younger brother and me. All my life, till the day I left home to start a new chapter in my life, my parents had monitored my every move and essentially spoon-fed me because they wanted the best for and therefore I never really understood what the word ‘freedom’, that my other friends would talk about, meant. From making food, to managing money, my parents had done everything for me to the point that all I had to worry about was managing my studies, in which they also aided me by paying for private tuitions so I could clear the doubts that I had. Life was simple.…
Born to a mother at the age of fifteen years old, life was most a struggle. Despite the negativity, I managed to attend the University of Illinois and graduate with a Bachelor of Science. Though this might seem minor to some but it meant the world to me. As I walked across the stage I became the first person in my family to graduate college. I looked back and realized that anything is possible.…