Through an online search, I found a fan run Big Brother simulation game hosted online. Played primarily on Tumblr and Skype, the fan hosted a two month competition mirroring the game. I knew nothing about juries, past players, or how to effectively lie. Even though I was totally unprepared, I decided that it was just a game, an opportunity to play a game …show more content…
After being nominated for eviction in week one, I was certain I would go. I was lacking a social game. I wasn’t talking to people enough. No one was responsive to my talks about gameplay. It seemed to me that some people were in alliances that other people were not noticing, but they never acted like they cared.
By some chance of fate, I was not evicted first. However, I knew I had to play smarter. I engaged in conversations with other players outside of my side of the house. I talked to them, less about gameplay and more about their personality and interests. I tried to connect with them on a personal level. I learned to keep my mouth shut. I thought less about alliances and more about deals I could make to save me one more week.
Through Big Brother Tumblr, I was able to become less fearful in starting conversations. If people weren’t talking to me, that meant they were talking to someone else. I had to have the courage to initiate conversations. I needed to keep my eyes open to word choice, conversation topics, and who was talking to who in the group chat. With close analysis, I could understand what their personality was like and how to approach