Personal Narrative Essay: A Day At The Chesapeake Beach

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It was a sunny and breezy day. My grandfather traveled down from Philadelphia to go fishing with me. It took him five hours to get to my house. When he got to my house he gave me and my sister presents. We ate spaghetti and meatballs and had ice-cream after. I went to bed early, excited to go fishing next morning.
Right before dawn, my mom woke me up early.
“Wake up Tyson.”
I woke up and got a shower and put on my clothes. Grandpa and I headed out around six-o’clock and got breakfast at Wawa. I got an egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich. We got to the dock and parked in the parking lot. We then went to the shop and bought bait to help us catch fish. It was a pack of neon yellow fish. Grandpa told me that since it glowed
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We put our stuff down inside the boat. There was a flat screen TV and had a concession stand inside the boat. We waited after thirty minutes till the boat went to the estuary part of the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean. One of the crew members passed around either stinky dead fish or slimy squid. My grandpa would hook the dead fish onto the pointy, sharp, and curved hook. He unwheeled the string so the gray weight thudded to the bottom of the ocean. We waited and waited as we heard the joy of other people catching fish. Then, my fishing rod tugged and pulled downward. I started wheeling in the string as fast as a cheetah can sprint. I was excited to see what it was. When I pulled the string up all the way I saw a flounder dangling from the hook that had penetrated the flounder. We kept it in what used to be a cloud white bucket. We took a break and sat down on the booths inside the boat. Grandpa took out the bait that we had bought at the store and struggled to put it on the hook. I got hungry so grandpa bought me a hotdog that was inexpensive. I devoured it down and watched a little TV while doing so. The Olympics were on. I regretted eating that delicious hotdog because then I felt really sick. I sat on

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