Until I met letlive. The way the singer connected with his music was beautiful. At one point he was crying, he was laughing and then after the first song I swear he had us all crying or moving along to the music, It was beautiful. I learned from that specific concert that it isn’t okay to judge a band by a song.
Just because one song isn't good, or sounds funny doesn't mean that their music doesn't mean anything. Music is beautiful in many different ways. I may not listen to letlive. on a daily basis, but by the way the crowd was moving and how we were all emotionally involved, they could change lives with their music. We saw many bands that day, some of them being my favorites or soon to be favorites. I feel that you never get to actually get a band until you have seen them live, because once you see how they interact with their own music, you really get to see them for them, and understand why they're doing this. Each and every one of the artists were