Ever since I was nine years old I was always in the garage helping my dad fix his or one of his friends' cars. I had huge collections of toy cars when I was little and walls full of posters of them. I grew up with the love of cars because my dad would always talk about them with me and we would work on them and watch car shows.There is really no other thing that can compare to when me and my dad bond while we are working together on a car. My dad and I rarely talk about anything else besides cars. When I was a little kid , My dad took me to my first car show at the McCormick place. When I first went , I fell in love with all the brand new cars I saw and just imagined my dad, I getting the chance to work on one , it seemed like it could only be a dream. …show more content…
Also when there is a big project to do on a car we get a bunch of friends together to work on it. I even like to help my friends wash their cars because I feel that it brings a car back to its original form. Now that I am older, I go to car meets with all my friends to continue to see how others express their passion for cars. This has become a monthly thing for my friends and I do, it has really created an unbroken bond between all of us and I hope that a career in cars would continue to make this bond stronger and eventually create new