Personal D-Day Examples

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March 16, 2018. 5:00 pm. My personal D-Day. Two outcomes—either an astounding victory accompanied with a squeal of pure elation or a demoralizing defeat followed by a grieved groan of disappointment and sorrow.
Unfortunately, for me, I experienced the latter when I opened my UCLA portal to check my decision. Consequently, the rejection left a hole in my heart where I held UCLA with such high esteem: The stunning campus such as the new Engineering VI building, the prestigious and flexible dining services, its close proximity to major game companies such as Riot Games and Blizzard (my dream job is becoming a game designer), and, of course, its spectacular academics, all made UCLA the perfect place for me.
Nonetheless, with a record-breaking 113,409 freshman applicants, UCLA could only admit about 20% of the applicant pool, and I understand that there are thousands of qualified students who will thrive at UCLA. I am also fully aware that my chances of acceptance through appeal are extremely slim; despite these odds, I am writing this letter to appeal my rejection into the UCLA Class of 2022 as a last attempt to turn my fading aspiration into a reality.
Growing up, my parents expected me and my twin brother to excel academically, so they sent us to tutors and summer camps. With the guidance from these resources, we delivered. However, they also fostered an
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The surgery went well; however, the area where they harvested blood vessels from his leg developed an infection, ultimately leading to multiple amputations. As a result, my mom needed to travel to Massachusetts to take care of him for a while, and she asked us if my brother and I wanted to help her. Without thinking about the impact it would have on my schooling, I, like the cocky and selfish boy I was, thought I would still excel in my classes, so I agreed to go (mostly to skip school, not to help my

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