First would be the Labor of the Cattle of Geryon. In this quest Heracles had to face terribly awful odds in order to complete the task. He had to go to the western edge of the earth and even required the aid of Helius’ golden cup to sail the waters in and had to face the Geryon, his herdsman and Orthus. It was unlikely, or even impossible that he completed the quest and the fact that he did makes it a conquest of death.
Second would be the Labor of The Apples of the Hesperides. Heracles had to travel to a not very accessible land, he had to fetch where this land was from a supernatural being that was very reluctant, to top it off he had to carry the weight of the heavens …show more content…
Three examples of how Oedipus’ lack of seeing and knowing that led to his tragic demise are the following:
The first thing that Oedipus was blind towards was what the companion f told him; that his father was not his real father. He did not believe the man, despite the rumor being spread throughout the lands. He took it upon himself to seek out an oracle to tell him once and for all who exactly his parents were.
Even though Oedipus sought out the oracle, he was blind to it in the end. The oracle told how he would kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus not taking into consideration what his lad had told him prior, he assumed that if he went back to Corinth that the people who raised him would be the assumed mother and father. Once he killed the man on the road it didn’t resonate that it could be in fact the fulfillment of the prophecy. Instead he continued on his way, and even married.
Once Oedipus finally realized what had happened; that he had married his mother and killed his father he saw his wife-mother dead and took it upon himself to make himself blind in order not to see what he had allowed to happen. He, himself, told that the killer of Laius would be banished from the land, and insisted that he be banished as well. He wanted to remain unaware of these events and to do that he blinded himself. He should have seen what had been leading up to that moment; he should have been able to put it together. Instead he believed he outsmarted the oracle and ended up causing his own tragic