p. 127) and performance skills (Early. p.107). Factors such as cultural, experiences, and values may influence the person and how they approach the environment and occupation (Early. p.107).
Environment includes the areas of cultural, physical, and social factors. Environment is the context where occupational performance takes place. In PEO, the way the activity is performed in one environment may not be performed the same way in a different environment. Such as the way one cooks in their home environment will be different then how they cook in their church environment.
Occupations are composed of tasks and Early quoted Mary Law as saying that it “represents groups of self-directed functional tasks and activities that a person engages in over the lifespan” (Early. p.107). “Occupations are chosen to fulfil a purpose and to give value and meaning which individuals attribute to them” (Strong et al. p. 125) Occupations are different things to each person and can be occupations of student, parent, child, work, homemaker, and spouse to name a …show more content…
Field, OTR, to bring an extracurricular activity that children otherwise would not be able to participate in (Ciukja p. 19). Using the PEO model allowed the therapists to develop a program that allowed each child (P) to participate in a theater production ranging from acting, dancing, etc. (O), in an environment that was adapted for them ranging from using picture schedules, large stage markings, and stage blockings and placements to allow everyone to