Premature Death: It is the measure of the years of life lost before the age of 75. This measure basically marks 75 years as the average life span of an individual. There are immense factors that account to premature death and a few of them are discussed in this study. It is basically the potential years of life lost before the age of 75 years.
The data for …show more content…
Results of the factors after the co-relation test with pedestrians:
Factor Linking Factor Relation Accepted for mapping
Pedestrian Adult Obesity Inverse Yes High Blood Pressure Inverse Yes Bicyclists Direct Yes Public Transit Users Direct Yes Physically Inactive Individuals Inverse Yes Pedestrian Injuries Direct Yes Pedestrian Fatalities Direct No Automobile Users Inverse Yes
Pedestrian Fatalities did not show the intended direct co-relation with the number of pedestrians. Therefore, it is exempted from the model.
Results of the factors after the co-relation test with Bicyclist:
Factor Linking Factor Relation Accepted for mapping
Bicyclist Adult Obesity Inverse Yes High Blood Pressure Inverse No Pedestrian Direct Yes Public Transit Users Direct Yes Physically Inactive Individuals Inverse Yes Bicyclist Injuries Direct Yes Bicyclist Fatalities Direct No Automobile Users Inverse Yes
The relation of Bicyclists with High Blood Pressure and Bicyclist Fatalities was not as intended. Therefore, they are excluded from the model.
Results of the factors after the co-relation test with Public Transit:
Factor Linking Factor Relation Accepted for …show more content…
Few factors which pass the co-relation test tend to be insignificant. Therefore, those factors must also be excluded from the final mapping and modelling. The discussion about the model is further discussed in the next chapter.
The modelling of all the co-relation resulted in the following factors as insignificant. Therefore, these factors are to be removed from the model to make it a perfect fit and then processed further. The co-relations are:
Factor Linking Factor Relation Accepted for mapping
Pedestrian Pedestrian Injuries Direct Yes (Not Significant)
Bicyclist Adult Obesity Inverse Yes (Not significant) Physically Inactive Individuals Inverse Yes (Not significant) Bicyclist Injuries Direct Yes (Not significant)
Public Transit Users Physically Inactive Individuals Inverse Yes (Not significant)
Automobile Usage Adult Obesity Direct Yes (Not significant) High Blood Pressure Direct Yes (Not Significant) Physically Inactive Individuals Direct Yes (Not