This includes the changes in treatment efficiency and how it limits the number of covered patient visits. This text will be used as evidence to prove the effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) because of the survey given to PTs and the interviews that followed it. The interviews will be a key place where I will draw my information because PTs see the impact of the ACA first hand. The PT interviews will help me dig deeper and not just disclose that client visits are limited, but also how the limited visits affect clients from wellness (rather than financial) stand point. The interviews will show the reality that even though clients can pay-out-of-pocket, often they can’t or are not willing…
Despite about nine percent of Americans being uninsured, around 50% of Americans receive private insurance via their employer. More than half of Americans have private insurance via their employer or the marketplace, with each insurance plan varying greatly in the coverage provided and the cost to the policyholder. For those living in the United States, understanding the complexities of coverage and healthcare financing is challenging, with many not entirely knowing the complete system (ISPOR, n.d.). The health care system is a polarizing topic in the United States, with new legislation often occurring on the state and federal levels. There is a need for Americans to understand the health care policies and legislation that can affect them, as just because an individual or family is insured does not guarantee they will receive certain services for a particular fee.…
Interestingly, by cross referencing the legislative clauses against current fiscal and population data values evidence of the core problems this initiative hoped to address can be identified. For instance, the first provision within the ACA requires all U.S citizens to have health insurance, but prior to 2010 44 million American did not maintain consistent coverage (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2016, p.1). Studies have shown that uninsured individuals are less likely to have a primary physician, therefore, relying typically on the emergency room for care (DeMichele, 2016a, p.1) . In addition, these individuals frequently do not practice preventative care, nor do they receive medical attention in a timely manner (DeMichele, 2016a, p.1) . These contributing factors have increased the likelihood of death in uninsured Americans by 40 percent, equating to as many as 45,000 deaths per year (Cecere, 2009,…
Since March of 2010, the American people have had to suffer under the incredible economic burden of the Affordable Care Act—Obamacare. This legislation, passed by totally partisan votes in the House and Senate and signed into law by the most divisive and partisan President in American history, has tragically but predictably resulted in runaway costs, websites that don’t work, greater rationing of care, higher premiums, less competition and fewer choices. Obamacare has raised the economic uncertainty of every single person residing in this country. As it appears Obamacare is certain to collapse of its own weight, the damage done by the Democrats and President Obama, and abetted by the Supreme Court, will be difficult to repair unless the next…
All Americans have the fundamental human right to health care regardless of any circumstances, or at least they should. Health care systems of the past and present have become a common topic of controversy. While new provisions of the Affordable Care Act continue to unveil, adversaries will have more opportunities to contest its changes. However, abolishing the Affordable Care Act would leave millions of low-income Americans without health care. The quality of life that many Americans live should be upheld by the increase of coverage through the Affordable Care Act.…
The Affordable Care Act legislation has been the catalyst for changing how health care is delivered in the United States. A plausible next step is to evaluate how health care is being paid and by whom. The government and larger private insurers are very powerful and have a palpable influence on health care options. Moving to a government operated one payer healthcare system is intriguing and has been accomplished in Canada and other countries.…
In 2010 the Affordable Care Act became one of the most talked about pieces of legislation that has brought many mixed reviews. Healthcare is a necessity that each of us need to maintain our lives. While we have an excellent source of healthcare service in the United States, it’s the access to that healthcare that has been a problem for many American’s. There are countries that have already turned to government healthcare. The Affordable Care Act was designed to help each of us have the access to Health care that we have not been able to afford in the past.…
Although many of us, when we hear the name Affordable Care Act (ACA) we right away think about low coverage, better access, and affordability but there’s so much more to it. Physicians are now being faced with having to provide better patient safety and quality of care. Thanks to Medicare’s Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program (VBP), the quality of care provided to patients by hospitals is now measured through the use of quality measures and the patients’ overall satisfaction of care. Since the program was implemented, the ACA has showed significant results in the healthcare industry. For example, by improving patient safety and quality of care, adverse effects have lowered significantly.…
In March 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the nation’s health reform law, was signed into action by President Barack Obama. The basis of the health reform was to expand and improve health insurance coverage while controlling costs. Therefore, many individuals have interpreted that the ACA is just about insurance cost and coverage. These individuals were somewhat right, however; an emphasis toward population health is a theme that runs throughout many aspects of the ACA. In fact, the ACA gives unprecedented attention to and funding for public health.…
Introduction Ever since its creation in 2010, the Affordable Care Act has received a great deal of backlash. The law has been brought to the courts three times now due to many Americans having issues with certain provisions in the law. Two of the cases that challenged the Affordable Care Act have made it to the Supreme Court. The issues that have been challenged have been in reference to the provisions that expand Medicaid, grant subsidies to states that have established exchanges, and the individual mandate, which requires Americans to have “Minimal Essential Coverage.” The most recent case that has challenged the Affordable Care Act was the case King v. Burwell, which occurred this past year.…
A single payer system is synonymous to the inalienable right of healthcare because it is a system characterized by universal and comprehensive coverage, publicly financed though a central, governing agency. The American healthcare system, however, is made up of a highly fragmented system in which some citizens belong to private insurance plans through their workplace, others obtain insurance through publicly financed Medicare or Medicaid, and many remain uninsured. Currently, the United States’ dominant force of for-profit, private insurers creates a high cost demand through various “transaction costs,” defined as “the rising costs of administering and coordinating a system that is designed to reduce access. ”3 Subsequently, private insurers do not want to sell to everyone but only to those unlikely to need care.…
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act mandated several types of new arrangements of care. One of these is the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). Explain what ACOs are, whom they serve, and how they are supposed to reduce costs of care. ACO is an organization that consist of doctors, suppliers of health care e.g hospitals, clinics, all health care services, and anyone involved in patient care to provide the best possible care for all medicare patients. This model was adopted by the Affordable Care ACTwith the number one goal of providing timely, accessible and appropriate care for all medicare patients.…
While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) helps millions of Americans, there still are an abundance of people that have no insurance. In fact, in 2015, 28.5 million adult Americans remained uninsured (“Key Facts about the Uninsured Population”). The United States should have some form of universal health care because good health is a basic human need and is considered a basic human right by many, the United States’ Marketplace…
The right to affordable health care is as sacrosanct as the right to be free, if not more. The most important issue is making medical care a right for everyone at an affordable price. American health care has an insurance-based system; thus, to get affordable and efficient medical help, you should be insured. Currently, there are about 44 million uninsured Americans. According to Elizabeth Bradley, the author of the book The American Health Care Paradox, the paradox of today’s system is that “United States spends so much on health care but continues to lag behind in health outcomes” (33).…
“An estimate done by the Census Bureau’s, said that thirty-three million Americans lacked health insurance in 2014 reflects a significant and welcome drop from the forty-two million it reported as uninsured in 2013,” said Dr. Robert Zarr, president of Physicians for a National Health Program, today (More Americans gain health coverage, but many can’t afford to use it: doctors group). In this time of rising health care costs, a great amount of Americans experience troubles or difficulties paying for needed health care services. With the costs that are expected to continue rising, changes happening to private insurance plans and public…