The human brain is divided into three main sections, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The cerebrum, thalamus, …show more content…
Phineas Gage is a famous individual who had his frontal lobe destroyed, afterwards he was no longer able to hold back thoughts, his friends claimed he was no longer Phineas. Phineas was a mild mannered and kind man before his injury, after it he became a rude and irritable individual. Frontal lobe injury will also affect emotions, social and sexual behaviour, memory, and language. Parietal lobe injury will affect your ability to locate and recognize parts of your body, a condition known as autotopagnosia. Damage to the occipital lobe will affect the perception of size, color, and shapes, and may also cause visual distortions. Occipital injury may also affect the ability to recognize and interpret familiar objects. Temporal lobe damage will affect hearing, language, the ability to recognize faces known as prosopagnosia, and the processing of sensory information. Damage to the cerebellum will affect movement, such as the manner in which people walk, and muscle tone. Movement will become more uncoordinated, speech will become more slurred and difficult to understand. The cerebellum is also connected to the cerebrum, so damage to the cerebellum may disrupt functions of other parts of the brain. Injury to the brainstem affects an individual's ability to swallow, breath, and regulate heartbeat. Some autonomic functions may be impaired. Hippocampal injury will affect mood, the ability to create and store new memories, and may cause confusion and disorientation. Injury to the amygdala may cause increased anxiety and depression, and will affect memory and emotional sensitivity. Damage caused to the pituitary gland has many harmful effects such as, irregular growth rates in children, sex drive irregularity, body temperature irregularity, pain, fatigue, depression, and issues in blood pressure. The pituitary gland