During the 1900’s dementia was defined as the aging process (old age). Dementia is now defined by different diseases or conditions. Most commonly, dementia occurs when brain nerve cells (neurons) die, and connections between neurons are interrupted. These disruptions have a variety of causes and usually cannot be reversed ("Dementia - Symptoms & Information - Patient Education Center," n.d.). Memory loss, Language use, ability to learn, problem solving and making decisions are all some examples of symptoms that you would experience. Depending on the cause there has been signs of psychological changes as well. Some of the symptoms are personality changes, inability to reason, inappropriate behavior, paranoia and hallucinations ("Dementia Symptoms - Mayo Clinic," n.d.). Steps to diagnosing can consists of mental status testing, physical and neurological exam, blood test, brain imaging and going through medical history. As there is no cure there are treatments to help relieve some symptoms. A diagnosing of dementia is life changing for both diagnosed and close family members. It is very important to have the people who care and loved ones around to help …show more content…
The main irreversible causes of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease which is the most common. It can be hereditary if there is a family history. Vascular dementia is related to patients that have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. Parkinson’s disease is the stiffness of limbs and having problems speaking. Lewy body dementia destroys blood cells. Huntington’s disease most common in older adults is an inherited disease which can cause certain types of brain cells that control movement as well as thinking. These damage brains cells in both cortical and subcortical areas ("Dementia Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Dementia: Irreversible Causes - eMedicineHealth," n.d., page