1. What Kinds of applications are described in this case? What business functions do they support?
As Mashaweer planned to expand their services with full force so that there would be a high barrier of entry for any competitor they decided that their competitive advantage would to have to be in investing in Technology.
A. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Mashaweer planned to get an ERP system but the cost is too expensive. Need ERP systems because it is integrated enterprise-wide and it is standard information systems that automate all aspect process in business. An ERP helps to managing in such an efficiency using the business resource. Among the most important ERP attributes are the ability to:
Need of ERP because it is automated & integrated the majority of any business process including production planning, cosy and development, sales department & marketing department, manufacturing department, inventory management department and shipping department and payment. Need to sharing common data and information and to do other practices across the business entire enterprise Produce and help to asses’ information and data base in real-time without any delay.. …show more content…
2. What are the benefits from equipping their riders with PDAs?
PDA is a mobile device that functions Personal Digital Assistant. (PDAs) it call also two other names such as a Palmtop Computer or known as a Personal Data Assistant. The Mashaweer need PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) application to enable him to install on each representative PDA and need to manage the works.
Order items progress tracking
Collection of order fees and other costs, against a printed invoice
Package handling (barcode scanning and destinations) Messaging Cash and expenses tracking Synchronizing data periodically and at the beginning of each shift Monitor and control of employee Mashaweer invested in PDAs to enable the operation process to be monitored accurately since is provides date like GPS tracking to track each order and the location or stage the messenger is located. Using this technical of technology PDA, he will minimize the amount of mistakes and errors due to the real and fact the messenger is tied to an automated process when receives lots of tasks when using the PDA. 3 Was it a good decision to expand the business to Cairo? What are the implications of information Systems? It is good idea decision to expand in Cairo the business. Mashaweer was the first company and sole person who introduced this services in Egypt, he captured 100 percent of market share for such a service. Because of business markets have not got aware or using this service, so the business was started growing but slowly in Alexandria until people grasped the idea and got accustomed to the fact that there is a company that can take your errands. In contrast, when the company started operating in Cairo, it grew as surprisingly fast pace. Implications of information systems: ERP system need to used and connected to Link Dot Net and Mobinil. Each peron readers will receive the tasks to accomplish on one time on the using PDA. In addition includes the GPS to direct the location and monitored. API Application Programming Interface. 4. Do you think that Mashaweer will be able to accomplish their future strategy and sustain its market share? Mashaweer is an online supermarket this will enable peoples to buy