Central Idea: Texting and driving is dangerous. Drivers should not text and drive at the same time to keep them and other drives safe.
Introduction – Attention getter Show the YouTube video about texting and driving. – Warn the audience it is graphic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7911kgJJZc Topic – Texting and driving is very dangerous. The people of the United States use cell phones all the time. They use them even when driving and that is dangerous because they make drivers pay attention to them and not driving.
Credibility: I have looked at lots of websites and read different studies that tell the information …show more content…
The Insurance Institute for highway safety reported that 11 teens die EVERY day due to these crashes.
III. Adults may be more likely to text and drive than teenagers.
A. According to a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, adults more likely than teens to use their phone while driving. [CBS News]
i. Reasons may include that adults think they are more experienced ii. Using their cell phone is a habit [Huffington Post]
B. 34% of teens have admitted to texting while driving [texting while driving]
IV. Laws against texting and driving at the same time are not making it decrease
A. No state bans all cell phone use, but 38 states ban all cell phone use by teen drivers. [Distracted driving]
B. 14 states prohibit all drivers from holding cell phones and using them at the same time. They can use them hands free. [Distracted driving]
V. Conclusion
A. In summary, texting and driving includes any use of your phone other than talking. Texting and driving is responsible for many injuries and deaths in car crashes. Both adults and teens admit to texting and driving.
B. Even though it is tempting and a habit for us to use our cell phones, we should wait until we are done driving. So that we and others around us can be