Based on Robert’s …show more content…
All of the articles suggests that babies need social bonding to process the information among the babies and parents. On the other hand, culture engage both parents and babies in more motivated to be known each other in order to involve while eating, playing or breastfeeding. But there is different between Fathers and mothers that both parents have different bonding systems. Why do both father and mothers both bonding with babies? They do because of different cultures have different views on bonding as mentioned in the article. Robert mentioned as, “These needs were not neglected, however, because from birth Gusii babies entered an active and responsive interpersonal environment, first with their mother and young caregivers, and later as part of a group of children.” Katherine mentioned as, “breastfeeding is also an activity modified by social and cultural constraints, including a mother 's everyday work schedule and a variety of beliefs about personal autonomy, the proper relationship between mother and child (or between mother and father), and infant health and nutrition.” If we are talking as against one another, it is hard to find which is more or less. In the other hand I find that both methods are effective but Katherine’s was more effective than Robert because if the child and mother aren’t socially bond due to certain problems, they are not going to have good relationship among them. For example, I still don’t have good relationship with mother but have with elder brother. It is because she was not around me when I was child, instead of her brother was around me every time. It orders to bond socially child need to have proper relationship, to do that parents need to take care carefully while breastfeeding. In order to have proper relationship both parents and child need to communicate properly. In the article, months. The cross-cultural comparisons tell us that “the