SWOT analysis is significant way that provides an overview of the organization's internal and external environments.
It stands for Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportunities and Threats.
Strength and weaknesses are related to the internal environment.
Opportunities and threats are related to the external environment.
First we well talk about the Strengths of (Wend's):
Wend's offered several unique products such as frostys and spicy chicken sandwiches as well as many healthy alternatives like salad.
One very important innovation contributed by Wend's is the special value menu that consisted for about 10 items that could be purchased for 99 cent , in addition to using acquisitions of smaller brand and joint ventures as the primary drive of …show more content…
Cutting cost because they do not outsource any channel. Cutting time, more faster, effective, and efficient. Avoid conflicts emerge from different channels. What to do before
• Store atmosphere • Target market Zara store’s atmosphere is high end but Zara’s target market is people from classy, high lighting, no pictures on the teens to adults, men and women. Wall. • Product assortment
• Store activities and experiences Zara is broadly and deeply assorted. Stay update through the website.
• Procurement
• Communications Establishing merchandise No advertising, but free press is good sources, policies and practices. advertising. • Prices • Location decision Zara product price is affordable Zara locates themselves in central business districts with as many outlets
• Services as possible. Prepurchase service, postpurchase service, ancillary service.
Overall about Zara’s Vertical Integration Zara manufactures and distributes products in small batches. Instead of relying on outside partners, the company manages all design, warehousing, distribution, and logistics functions