Years of war gaming and planning could not prepare military leaders …show more content…
Analysis using operational art principles left many questions unanswered. One of the main operational art principles to be analyzed is center of gravity. According to Clausewitz, center of gravity is “the point against which all energies should be directed.” In conventional warfare, center of gravity is typically the enemy’s force. However, how does one engage insurgents who do not openly fight but fight indirectly with suicide bombings and vehicle-borne IEDs. Another principle to understand is the battle space or environment as a measurement of effectiveness. All spaces should assume to be compromised with IEDs or insurgents living amongst the population. US forces measure their effectiveness by how much ground forces cover. In Iraq, US forces were present throughout a province, however insurgent violence didn’t wane. Time is important operational art aspect that is irrelevant in the enemy’s perspective because they could await US forces leaving temporarily or permanently. Whereas, US forces use time as a deadline for reaching their end state. Since Iraq posed unique challenges and problems, US force planners needed a better perspective and a different approach.
In 2007, the counterinsurgency strategy: clear, hold, and build, was becoming formalized. The clear, hold, build strategy was a set of tactical transitions that operated as such: military forces clear out insurgents, …show more content…
The holding concept allowed indigenous police or military to police the area. In order for the holding concept to be effective, a cleared neighborhood needed large force to police an area. A large force is necessary against insurgent intimidation and threats. At this point, US forces helped reestablished critical and basics services. Market shops and school were to be opened again. Over time, Iraqis controlled more and more of the projects, returning their society to normalcy. The holding operation highlights the importance of operational art concept: force. Determining the amount of forces is important metric to measure the effectiveness of holding an