Crooks is an African American man who lives in the harness room on the ranch. The harnesses symbolize the social constraints that Crooks faces daily. The harnesses room “. . .has pegs on which hung broken harnesses in the process of being mended; straps of new leather…”(66) The broken harnesses were also on the wall by the window. The harness room is symbolizing the constraints that Crooks faces, the broken harnesses symbolize the ways Crooks tried to break society's rule over him by playing with the white kids and the broken harnesses on the wall of the window is saying to Crooks is that you may had broken the constraints of society but this is something you can never have
Crooks is an African American man who lives in the harness room on the ranch. The harnesses symbolize the social constraints that Crooks faces daily. The harnesses room “. . .has pegs on which hung broken harnesses in the process of being mended; straps of new leather…”(66) The broken harnesses were also on the wall by the window. The harness room is symbolizing the constraints that Crooks faces, the broken harnesses symbolize the ways Crooks tried to break society's rule over him by playing with the white kids and the broken harnesses on the wall of the window is saying to Crooks is that you may had broken the constraints of society but this is something you can never have