Of Mice And Men Discrimination Analysis

Improved Essays
Discrimination in Of Mice and Men Essay
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a novel featuring two protagonist named Lennie and George. Lennie is mentally handicapped and George takes care of him. The book is set in Soledad California in the 1930’s. In the book and during the time period it is set in people are being heavily discriminated on due to uncontrollable factors such as sex, race, and genetic disability. There are three people that I think in the book are discriminated on the most. These people are Curley's Wife, Crooks, and Lennie.
Curlys Wife is discriminated on many times during the book. The discriminators are both Curly and the Ranch men. Curley's wife says this on page 87 “I get lonely, you can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curly. Else he gets mad”.(OMAN
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Throughout the book he is referred to almost like an animal. People don’t understand his disability and he does not receive the proper treatment. One example from the book is on page 42 when george is explaining what happened in weed. "Hell no. He just scared her. I'd be scared too, if he grabbed me. But he never hurt her. He jus' wanted to touch that red dress, like he wants to pet them pups all the time." This is just one example of many in which people don’t understand Lennie’s disability and he is discriminated on for it. This also shows when George tells Lennie not to talk to the boss. He did this because he knows that even though Lennie is an extremely hard worker they will not be hired if the boss knows about his ailment.
In conclusion many people are discriminated on in the book Of Mice and Men. Curley's wife is discriminated on by the men because she is a woman. Crookes is discriminated on by everyone due to his race. Lennie is also discriminated on by most people, due to his mental disability. Even though of Mice and Men is a very well known book does not mean it has underlying tones of

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