Research vs. Evidence-Based Practice
Advanced-practice registered nurses(APRNs) are expected to take part in new knowledge that is identified and supported by evidence to promote optimal care delivery to patients while supporting the professional practice of nursing. The healthcare system has been moving toward evidenced-Based Practice …show more content…
My DNP evidenced-based practice change project to my understanding is at a minimal level even though geriatric involvement is considered unique population. The process will only involve Chamberlain College of Nursing since the organization in which I am to initiate the project does not have an Institutional Review Board and requires no special consent. There is, however, the policy that governs all patients rights and confidentiality such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and this will be protected by using information that does not include any protected health information (PHI) through de-identification. There will be no demographic data, name, address, birth date, social security numbers or any other information that can at any given time be re-identify an individual patient and their healthcare services. The rationale for the step by step process of de-identification is to mitigate privacy risks to people and thereby supports the secondary use of data for comparative effectiveness studies, policy assessment, life sciences research, and other endeavors (Health Information Privacy, n.d.). The project change will directly audit charts for patients on second generation antipsychotics and whether a complete screening was initiated based on a new set