Mrs Rummins | GRUJICIC, Marko
Another name for I/V characteristics is current-voltage. Current and voltage are the factors that are being investigated, there characteristics and effects in diodes of different colours. The Current or I in I/V characteristics refers to the flow of an electric charge. It is often carried out by electrons when moving through wires
-green, red, blue, yellow coloured diodes
- 2X multimeters, 1 as a voltmeter and other as ammeter
-power supply pack
- Potentiometer
-470 ohm resistor
1. Attach power supply pack to mains power point
2. Adjust the power pack supply to four volts
3. Attach wire from positive terminal to potentiometer
4. Place a potentiometer to …show more content…
Turn on power supply and adjust the voltage across the LED using potentiometer
9. Increase voltage from 0 volts in 0.2 volt increment until 4 volts is reached
10. With each increment record amps in circuit
Risk assessment:
Identify the relevant risk/s or include any other relevant risks. RISK MANAGEMENT
Identify the relevant risk control measures that will be employed.
inhalation of dust Personal Protective Equipment:
inhalation of vapours □ Safety glasses/goggles
discomfort or irritation to eyes / skin / respiratory system □ Gloves
micro-organisms □ Lab coats
serious damage to eyes Ventilation:
ingestion of a toxic substance / harmful substance □ Windows
□ burns - chemical □ Fans
□ burns - hot naked flame / Bunsen burner when packing up / hot equipment / hot liquids □ Fume Cupboards
flammable substances Waste disposal:
stains to skin and clothing □ Laboratory bin/sink
substance toxic to aquatic organisms □ Waste container (return prep-room)
cuts - sharp edges / broken glassware / scalpel or blade Procedural:
fragile equipment □ Wash hands when finished
mains voltage power source □ Clean bench and work area
moving parts □ Safety and operational procedures
Risk Level: