Bora Bora is a really beautiful place but you may be surprised by its small population. This amazing vacation spot is full of birds and other lovely things to check out. People travel here a lot but they never really know the true meaning of Bora Bora. Bora Bora stands for first born (“Bora Bora”). This site is full of amazing things to check out and explore on your adventure there. There is lots of stories behind this beautiful place and i know this because, “ Bora Bora was first occupied by polynesian traders and colonists in the fourth century” (Bora Bora). There's clear blue water there so clear that you can see the ocean floor. They are known for their ray species there. Bora Bora used to be a limited actonomy in 2004. This was a supply base in world war 2 to help the soldiers (“Bora Bora”). We all cry from day to day. People are more sensitive than others. Women cry 30-64 times a year, boys on the other hand cry 6-17 times a year. Sometimes crying can be helpful for people also because it can help them relieve stress (“Crying”). Only humans can shed tears unlike animals. Crying has all different kinds of meanings but the one people know the most is, “ Crying is the shedding of tears in response to an emotional state” (“Crying”). There's positive and negative crying situations. Babies can cry also and they cry for many different reasons but animals can cry also, crazy right. People cry to get things off their shoulders and relieve bad things or maybe it can be a happy cry. Crying is a natural thing and we all do it atleast once …show more content…
Lawrence Herkimer made the first pom pom for the cheerleaders. Cheer takes a lot of hard work to accomplish. George W. Bush was a cheerleader in his past life (“Cheerleading Facts”). There is lots of different kinds of cheer and things that involve it. Lots of myths go around when it comes to cheer,” There are several myths surrounding the sport of cheerleading”, (“Cheerleading Facts”). Dance is involved in cheer a lot when it comes to all kinds of cheer. Little kids usually do in school cheer but there are older people that cheer at the NFL or they are in competition cheer. There's no weight requirement or height requirement needed for cheer. When it comes to cheerleading, people get crazy with it because some people will kill to be on the team (“Cheerleading