Schaefer, …show more content…
Green (2013) agrees that Rogers core conditions for Non directive play therapy is the most frequently used approaches used by play therapists globally. Wilson and Ryan (2005) express that along with these conditions it is essential that therapists are responsive and always reflect back to the client about what they have said or done. This presents to the client that the therapist understands what they are experiencing. “Through this process of accurate reflection clients are helped to greater recognition of their feelings, and the beginnings of mastery over them.” (Wilson and Ryan, 2005 P. 22) Anna Freud was another Psychoanalyst who used play therapeutically and she helped to bring play therapy into a more widely known and used sector. (Schaefer, …show more content…
25) Harris and Landreth (2001) outlined eight of the most essential characteristics of play therapists. The list includes general interest, patience, honesty, unconditional acceptance and sensitivity which are all these things that children need in life. Showing love, sensitivity and care to the child in therapy is also crucial for their progress. Landreth (2012) states that “children may have considerable difficulty verbally describing what they feel or how their experiences have effected them; but if permitted, in the presence of a caring, sensitive and empathetic adult, they will reveal inner feelings through the toys and materials they choose, what they do with and to the materials, and the stories they act out.” (Landreth, 2012 P.