Most newborns suffer from nicotine being found in their amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord as a result of their mothers who smoked during pregnancy. Earlier research have also revealed that the use of tobacco substance in the course of pregnancy badly affects prenatal and postnatal development, and increases the threat of fetal death and the rate of disease in the population. In addition, nicotine is said to be connected with imparting, comprehension of the senses, and learning/cognitive deficiency in newborns and toddlers, which suggests a persistent adverse effect of tobacco use before the development of the nervous system. …show more content…
Although studies have recommended that the behavioral and cognitive shortage linked with the womb vulnerability to tobacco could prolong into late infancy and teenage years, with children of smokers exhibiting advanced rates of inability to concentrate leading to a greater risk for concentration deficiency or hyperactivity and behavior disorders, incapacitated knowledge and memory capacity, with diminish intelligence