Lovato utilizes repetition to put more emphasis on her true emotion. Repetition is used when the chorus “God knows I tried to feel/Happy for you/Know that I am, even if I/Can't understand” repeats (Lovato lines 7-9). These lines are repeated twice throughout the song, making it a significant use of repetition and emphasis on her sorrow. In other words, in these lines she explains that she is devastated that she has been replaced by another woman, but fakes her happiness towards his new life. In addition to this, Lovato uses frequent free verse as she does not have a definite rhyme scheme throughout her song. Free verse is used in the song as Demi only has very few end rhymes, one being “gold” and “cold” in lines 15 through 16. With that being said, it is very evident that her lyrics are a representation of her feelings and the lack of rhymes shows her distraught and scattered thoughts. Lovato uses this to show the audience that her emotions are overwhelming and are also creating an unorganized mind of her own. The last poetic device that Lovato uses is assonance. Lovato uses assonance as she says, “Know that I am, even if I / Can't understand.” Assonance is used as the short A sound is showing repetition through the words “am” and “understand.”Assonance is used in this part of the song to display the length of her past …show more content…
Yeats shows evidence of enjambment throughout his poem as he continues his thoughts beyond the lines without a pause. For example, enjambment is used in the poem when Yeats says, “Never give all the heart, for love/Will hardly seem worth thinking of” (Yeats lines 1-2). The poet uses enjambment to show his ongoing theory towards women which is a more dominant use of devices than Lovato’s use of free verse due to the fact that his notions are more confident and open ended. Another unique aspect of this poem is the also the use of assonance when Yeats yeats rhymes the short O sounds in “cost” and lost” (Yeats lines 13-14). He uses assonance in the last two lines of the poem to advise the audience that women are in relationships temporarily and that they will always come to an end. Although Lovato and Yeats both use assonance in their pieces, the poet did an overall better job with his end placement of assonance in which correlated with the general meaning of the poem. Lastly, Yeats’ use of tone in this piece is a bitter generalization of women overall due to a devastating break up. The piece is the writer’s general opinion towards women and their dynamics within in a relationship, while Lovato’s song was a direct message to the audience. His discouraging tone is more persuasive