The news I'll get from here usually is about right wing politicians, or even news networks such as CNN, and just the ridiculous stuff they tend to do. I'm not going out of my way to look at what is on Fox News so when I watch these shows, I’ll get a small dose of all the crazy. I think that even this goes with Postman's ideas about how “we have multiple media whose forms are well suited to fragmented conversation.” (8) and his thoughts on how television “made it possible to move decontextualized information over vast spaces at incredible speed” (8). All of these different ways for me to get my news are still just small fragments and on television it is not likely for them to give you the complete story. Another quote from Postman stating “As the influence of print wanes, the content of politics, religion, education, and anything else that comprises public business must change and be recast in terms that are more suitable to television” (8). I can say that I agree with him because some of the things on print do not translate on television. That television sometimes has to rely on antics to get your attention, and as a result, end up on shows like the ones I mentioned
The news I'll get from here usually is about right wing politicians, or even news networks such as CNN, and just the ridiculous stuff they tend to do. I'm not going out of my way to look at what is on Fox News so when I watch these shows, I’ll get a small dose of all the crazy. I think that even this goes with Postman's ideas about how “we have multiple media whose forms are well suited to fragmented conversation.” (8) and his thoughts on how television “made it possible to move decontextualized information over vast spaces at incredible speed” (8). All of these different ways for me to get my news are still just small fragments and on television it is not likely for them to give you the complete story. Another quote from Postman stating “As the influence of print wanes, the content of politics, religion, education, and anything else that comprises public business must change and be recast in terms that are more suitable to television” (8). I can say that I agree with him because some of the things on print do not translate on television. That television sometimes has to rely on antics to get your attention, and as a result, end up on shows like the ones I mentioned