1) Neglects the true purpose of education. The most important reason for getting an education is to become happy, healthy, well-adjusted and successful people in the future. Who have a full understanding of how to live a balanced life with family, community, and culture. However, modern educational systems forget the true meaning of education. They alienate students from the larger meaning of life. Many schools are so focused on finding and implementing educational programs that provide evidence for strong academic performances in their schools. What they want is not a student 's success, but a report of how prestigious their school is. They are unable …show more content…
School are replacing these classes for ACT prep and AP classes. Students do not have space in their schedules to add an extra art class. Students are taught not to express their understanding of the world, but how to memorize content from a book. They do not have the complete understanding to form their own opinions about ideas they have read. Instead, they do what their instructors tell them is important. “First, build your writing with a certain number of words, sentences, paragraphs; second, make sure your writing contains the words in the question; third, begin each part with "first, second," and "third" (Don Batt). This shows how teacher tell their students to write essay. Everything is so structured they have minimal room for change. “Instead of doing the hard work of identifying a range of individual talents, analyzing needs, and working cooperatively to provide strong programs for a variety of needs, advocates of standards have decided that all students should be uniformly prepared for college” (Noddings 210-215). For example, it would be much easier to put all the students in a math class than providing equipments required for other vocations such as wood works, ceramics, automotives, etc. A standardized curriculum ignores students’ diverse interests, needs, goals, skills, and …show more content…
These test taking skills and tricks tend to out weight genuine understanding of the materials taught at schools. Parents and students seek help from other sources. These sources are companies who are greedy to make some profit. They create test-prep materials. People start to buy these tests and get help when the stakes rise. Companies sell these practice tests, or hold classes for these standardized tests. In which, they teach the tricks of finishing all the questions and how to go about reading the paragraphs, etc. These are helpful sources, but they are only available to students who come from well privileged families,schools and districts. They are able to afford such materials and prepare better for these tests. While, the poorer students or schools can’t afford to buy these materials. Thus, it turns into adverse disadvantage. The fact that these standardized tests are mostly administered in the minority students population and more emphasized in the school with higher percentages of minority students. It becomes unfair to these minority groups. An African-American professor, Dorothy Strickland stated that, “Skills-based instruction, the type to which most [students] of color are subjected, tends to foster low-level uniformity and subvert academic potential.” These tests don’t accurately measure the standards of these students when they are not taught at that standard of a